City Pop-up Shops

Dernière modification le 16/05/2024 par Aurelie Faber

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In order to avoid having unoccupied stores in the city centre, the mayor of Luxembourg city decided to offer those spaces for a low price, although for a limited period of maximum 9 months. Candidates that want to sell their own creations, clothes, jewelry, accessories, home equipment or some other products, can in this way get the possibility to test their concept and see what they could improve to develop further or even open their own real shop in the future and decide to rent the place long-term.

I love the idea not only because it offers the possibility to beginners to present their own creations or the products they want to offer and see if there is a corresponding demand in the market, but even more because it gives me the possibility to find some new products or items that I would not find in a conventional store.

Currently, you can find “Ukrainian designers pop-up store” (clothes, jewelry, books made by Ukrainian designers, 40, rue Philippe II),  “Lux Médina” (Hand-made pottery, 19-25, rue des Capucins) and “Spells and spices” (decoration articles, 38, rue Philippe II).

New candidates will come and new stores will be offered by the city, so don’t miss your chance to discover them!

Nützliche Informationen


30, Rue des Capucins, luxembourgcity


: #noprice#€


24 hours daily